Thursday, February 3, 2011

St. Julian of Le Mans

This post is actually a week late! It was so nice and sunny last week, and I had planned this outfit which turned out to be so hot. Then, the arctic front came through and froze the entire city, and the outfit I had planned for this Tuesday was not adequate for the weather at all. Of course, I adjusted by adding tights, a warmer coat, etc., but that's one of the drawbacks of planning so far in advance. However, the lowered stress levels that come from not having to plan outfits day by day because I've already planned them in advance far outweigh the minor inconveniences of weather.

Anyway, last Thursday's outfit was inspired by St. Julian of Le Mans. The Golden Legend does not identify any of the St. Julians as being bishop of Le Mans, but it just kind of lists all the St. Julians and their miracles. So, I'm not sure if the St. Julian I modeled my outfit on is actually Julian of Le Mans, but the story goes that he was a missionary to Gaul. When he arrived to his post, the land was suffering from a water shortage. He placed his staff in the ground and prayed, then water came out of the ground.

Because the Golden Legend is so confusing about which St. Julian is which, I also took some inspiration from one of my favorite movie stars: Steve McQueen. He was in a movie called "Le Mans" which is about the famous car race. The girl in the movie is Elga Andersen, a very pretty German actress in a turtleneck:

So, I'm wearing a blue turtleneck - blue for the water miracle, and a turtleneck for Steve McQueen:


Carlos Echevarria said...

Very interesting regards

Dorota said...

Hi,I really like your blog!very nice posts,I have started blogging as well,please visit me:

Brittney said...

love the blue turtleneck--and i'm always down for a 2-for-1 deal! :) also, your brown pants are great; i have a pair as well, although i don't see too many people wearing them. good for you! good for me! good for us! :)
-brittney (my daily outfit blog; come on by if you'd like)

AGB said...

This is my blog, please visit it!:D thanx