Except I wore a long-sleeved button down shirt which I liked a lot better than the one I'm wearing in the picture.

Except I forgot the white button down shirt at home, so it was not half as cute as this. Although I did add a camisole underneath so it didn't look so bunchy around the waist. I love the petticoat. I need to make more outfits with it. So fun!

I think this is my favorite outfit right now. I love it! It's so comfortable and I like the way it looks on me.
This has been a hard week. Jon was home sick with what he thinks is food poisoning on Mon and Tues. I had a presentation on Monday for my Victorian Poetry class on Matthew Arnold. I pretty much spend the whole weekend on it and stayed up almost all night on Sunday finishing it. Then, when it was time to go to class, my teacher was sick, and a different professor sat in on the class as a substitute. And he could only stay for an hour, so I had to condense the 2 hrs+ presentation I had into 50 mins. Which, if I were in high school, I would have been pleased about, but I worked really hard and felt very gypped. What a waste of my weekend!
On top of it all, I had insomnia and couldn't sleep even though I was exhausted, and it took me 4 hours to write a single page of response for my Middle English assignment the next day. When I got back to Dallas I broke down in tears and holed up in the back of the house.
Today was better - it certainly hasn't been the worst week ever, but it's been trying, and I always feel so lonely in Waco. Thank goodness it's Spring Break next week! Niagara Falls, here I come!