Friday, March 20, 2009


The sink and the range top aren't hooked up yet, so that's just for show, but we can put our dishes away now!!!! Next stop - tile backsplash!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Anniversary Dinner

Our anniversary was last week. 9 years. Good for us. We went to dinner at The French Room in the Adolphus Hotel. It was super fancy. And I got to wear my Louis Vuitton knock-offs which are awesome. Pictures below.


This little guy was on our fence last Saturday morning. I had actually never seen a live possum before. Or is it opossum? What a weird word. Anyway, he wandered up and down the fence all day. As we were unloading our new couch and my piano from the U-Haul, my next door neighbor just comes marching into our garage and starts looking around. We were like, "Um, excuse me, can we help you?" She said, "I'm looking for a piece of wood to help the possum get down off the fence." SO WEIRD. Who just walks into another person's garage without speaking to them and starts looking around? What if we had just ignored her? Would she have just taken something? It was obvious we were unloading furniture into our house. Surely she could see it was not the best time. So weird. Anyway, he came down off the fence of his own accord, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. The possum/opossum is safe!