St. Gorgonius died in the early 4th century. Not very much of his biography is known, but we do know that he was a Christian persecuted during the reign of Diocletian. He and a group of other martyrs were tortured and died by strangulation. This slight bit of information comes from Eusebius, a church historian who also lived in the early 4th century.
Since the mode of death was strangulation, I decided a choker was appropriate. This particular choker was way too long when I bought it, so I didn't wear it for years. As I have mentioned before, I don't like to alter my stuff. Generally, if it's not the way I want it when I buy it, I end up not wearing it (so why do I buy it? That's a good question...). So, with my new change of heart about these things, I took a pair of pliers to this choker and made it fit my neck. Yay!