Thursday, May 27, 2010

Buyer's Remorse

So, for those of you who discouraged us from buying a house - you were officially right. I am saying it. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from any nasty I told you so's.

For those of you who told us buying a house would be great, you were wrong. I am sorry that I went against my better judgment and convinced myself it would be a good idea.

Here's why (and this is just for 2010):

We just treated a huge carpenter ant infestation in March. So gross. Dead ant carcasses everywhere. Plus whatever damage they caused.

Now we have termites. Fantastic. And they're under the house which means that to treat them, they have to pull up our carpet and drill into the slab.

We also had a horrible infestation of flies, but I bought a fogger that seems to have killed them. I immediately got worried that we would discover a hidden nest of maggots like Julie did in Julie and Julia, but I have yet to find anything like that, thank God. I have also made precarious friends with a spider who likes to make a web in the corner of one of our windows. She killed A LOT of flies, and she is now a kind of unofficial pet. I haven't named her or anything. I have a healthy respect for her, and I'm tolerating her. As long as she stays put, we are fine. She has laid a few egg sacs that I've made J remove from her web. She might be OK, but hundreds of spiderlings are not. I thought spiders died after they lay eggs, but apparently "Charlotte's Web" was wrong about that (at least in the kind of spider I've got).

Also, the pool has broken several times this year already. I really do just want to drain it and fill it in. It's too small to exercise in (although we did buy an Aquajogger, much to my 13-year-old niece's embarrassment, I'm sure), so it's really just a paddle pool. So stupid and worthless.

We are contemplating repairing the damage to the house, then getting out of Dodge. We can sell half our furniture (or return it to the people who gave it to us), move back into an apartment or condo, and never have to deal with this crap again. Sounds nice. I really didn't want to have to spend my summer vacation dealing with this.

On a more positive note, I'm including some photos of what I wore to a friend's rehearsal and wedding last weekend in Colorado to keep with the fashion thing. I mostly just wear T-shirts and sweatpants around the house right now, and that's not really picture-worthy. Although, it might be kind of funny if I actually did take pictures of myself sitting on the couch in the same outfit three days in a row.


Scott said...

Sounds like the 10 plagues of Egypt. I hope you avoid the boils.

Mindy said...

I am so sorry because I am one of the ones who told you to do it. We have never had anywhere close to that many issues in our 10 years of home ownership. I am betting its a phase and it will get better and you will love the house!

Love to hear you go the aqua jogger since it was under debate when I was up there