Monday, February 22, 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction

Here's what I wore today:
Here's how it malfunctioned:
This is a strapless dress. Obviously a strapless dress is not appropriate for work. So, I wore a cardigan over it. And, because I was wearing the cardigan with one of the buttons buttoned, I just wore a normal bra because the cardigan covered it all up and you couldn't tell. THANK GOD.
I was writing on the chalkboard explaining how to do proper MLA in-text citations. I turn around to face the class and realize that the top part of the strapless dress had FALLEN DOWN, potentially exposing my boobs to the entire class. Now, as I mentioned before, I was wearing the cardigan and it was partially buttoned, so an indecent amount of flesh was not exposed. But I still had to excuse myself and go pull up my dress in the middle of class, and it was really embarrassing. Not as embarrassing as it could have been, but still. Not exactly what I was hoping for, and next time I wear it, I will safety pin the dress to the bra so this does not happen again! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

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