Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Migraine Dreams

So, I have a migraine today. Why are you blogging, then, you may ask? Because they are ripping up my apartment parking lot and it is impossible to sleep. So I have cancelled my classes, hopped myself up on painkillers, and I am intending to go to my 3:30 Lit Crit class. We'll see if that actually happens.

Well, I have managed to doze off a few times and one time I had this dream about Christian Bale. I have had a crush on him since I was about 13 years old. I went to his fan website once and Cassie has never let me live it down. So, I had this dream about him. In the dream, we had known each other for a very long time. He had been in my church youth group or something like that. We had kept marginally in touch over the years, but not since he had gone totally "Hollywood." So, in the dream I was visiting his family for some reason since I also knew his sister and his mom. Anyway, we all went to this pie place to get dessert. It was awkward because he was all famous now, and I didn't know what to say to him. When we got to the pie place, though, he starting teasing me for something I had done in junior high, and then we were laughing like old friends. While we were there, we ran into my old friend Katie from high school, but I didn't introduce them. He reminded me that he had majored in police enforcement in college. I did not remember that. I kept thinking, "Should I mention the Terminator outburst to him? Or just leave him alone?" I chose to leave him alone. The dream ended when we all went to church together.


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