Thursday, December 4, 2008

Out of Commission

I am unavailable for social interaction until Monday, Dec. 15. I have one paper due tomorrow and another due on Wednesday, plus a group project due on Tuesday. I have barely started, and I have a total of 40 pages to write. That's like 2/3 of my Master's thesis. Then I have my students' last essays to grade. THEN I have to grade their final exams. What have I gotten myself into? Any and all words of encouragement would be appreciated!


Nana Erin said...

it's just papers and grading. Hey!~ at least you aren't moving. Twice. At the same time!~

You've had worse. I know you can do this. And you can call when you're done and we'll go out!~ or stay in!~

yotababy said...

Oh, man, that's a LOT! But you can totally do it. Toad will help!

I miss you, Chazzy! Are you in town on the 15th? Cause yeah, we should celebrate. With wine.

Call if you need to vent! And sorry if I disrupted you this morning with my "what the hell is chablis?!?" call. Heh.