Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm rediscovering the joys of having a backyard. Dallas has been blessed with absolutely gorgeous weather this week, and when we went to go water the grass and take our Jeep-ful of moving boxes to the new house yesterday, I decided to spend most of my time sitting in the yard by the pool. It was really relaxing and fun. Toad had a pretty good time, too, as you can see:

He was actually on his back sunbathing before I got up and bothered him with my camera. He has become quite the one for communing with nature.

I am getting more and more excited about actually living in the house. I think I will like it. Even though it is totally broken again - something is wrong with the water pressure now because we couldn't run both sprinklers at the same time. Whatever it is, it must be fixed. We picked out our granite countertops this weekend. They are painting this week, and the utility room is finished, so it will be ready for us to move in next Saturday. We are just waiting on the cabinets to come in, etc. so we can have a working kitchen!

1 comment:

Nana Erin said...

I really hope you have a pot luck soon. lol. It's your dutie as home-owners.