Friday, November 16, 2007


I'm in the middle of writing my Master's thesis. I had a meeting with my thesis advisor this morning, and I was really dreading it because she hasn't been much help so far. In fact, I haven't gotten much feedback at all from her except one line e-mail responses saying, "You need to fix this" and a series of cancelled appointments. I had sent her a writing sample to read for the meeting, and I sent her my new outline, and I was honestly expecting her to 1) not have read it or 2) just hand it back to me and say, "This needs work" without giving me any constructive criticism at all. I couldn't have been more wrong.

She HAD read it, and she LIKED it. She said it was GOOD. She was really excited about it. And when I told her how overwhelmed I felt by the project, she CAME UP WITH A PLAN TO HELP ME. It was astonishing.

Plus, I have a meeting with her again tomorrow to start working on the journal at SMU. It doesn't pay anything, but it's great publishing experience, AND I get my name in the journal. Things are looking up!

1 comment:

yotababy said...

Whoa, that's so awesome--I'm really glad that this meeting went so much better than you were expecting!

P.S. My word verification totally says "fhwqgads". Not really, but it's close!