Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Anal Retentive

So, I am contemplating revamping my fashion ensemble pictures into Work and School categories so that I can remember who has seen me in which outfits. I already do that to some degree with them now, but I really only mark special occasions. The project I'm talking about here will be way more detailed and kind of makes me feel like I'm crazy. But as cluttered as my apartment may be, I get an immense sense of satisfaction from organizing things.

I bought a huge handbag yesterday. Big enough to hold a spare set of clothes plus all toiletries. It's kind of like carrying a small suitcase on my shoulder. I hate enormous purses or "totes" as other people like to call them. What a stupid word. Let's just call it what it is - an obscenely large purse. Anyway, I have joined the ranks of the women carrying their lives on their shoulders. It's kind of disappointing. But practical, so I'm giving it a try. If I feel ridiculous every single time I wear it, one of my girlfriends just might receive a slightly-used-but-still-lovely gigantic burgundy purse for Christmas.

1 comment:

yotababy said...

Ooh, me! Me!

So, I LOVE my obscenely large purse. I can carry not one, but TWO (actually I have, in fact,. carried up to six at once, but that was a special occasion) books around with me at all times, so that I can read whichever I happen to be more in the mood for. Also, I have to tell you that at Marya & Z's bachelor/bachelorette party meet-up, I had not ONLY my usual two books in there, but ALSO two other girl's ENTIRE PURSES! I felt pretty awesome, I must say.