Sunday, December 30, 2007

Admissions Dumbasses

I will blog about my Christmas later. For now, I'm going to complain about the dumbasses running college admissions departments.

I returned home from what my husband affectionately calls the family "Hiroshima" (just because there are a lot of people all talking and playing and eating at the same time in utter chaos, not because our flesh melts off or anything) on Thursday night. I checked my e-mail and found I had something from a To-Remain-Nameless University saying that my application was incomplete as my undergraduate transcripts were missing. All of my anxieties are coming true!

Let me explain: last year, when I applied to Purdue, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. My GRE scores were lost in the mail, my recommenders did not send their letters on time, there was a mixup about my registration at SMU and they wouldn't send out my transcripts, and my undergraduate transcripts were misfiled when they arrived at Purdue. Now, some of this was my fault, but the majority of it was completely out of my control, which is why I am having some anxiety issues about it this year.

Anyway, with Purdue last year, I panicked, called Baylor who verified they had sent my transcripts, and ended up opening a FedEx account so I could overnight new ones to Purdue. All of that, and it turns out the admissions people had filed my transcripts under my maiden name instead of my married name, even though I wrote all over my application that I attended my undergraduate school under a different name. They even have a special line for it on the application. I guess they don't bother to actually LOOK at that line. So, that was a total waste of like $60.

So when I got the e-mail from Nameless University on Thursday night, I didn't panic. I just thought, "Those dumbasses." I called on Friday, and sure enough, "Oh, we filed it under your maiden name." You'd think they'd never had a married person apply to their university before.

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