Thursday, January 20, 2011

St. Sebastian

St. Sebastian is easily one of the most recognizable saints because he is almost always depicted with arrows sticking out of him, like so:

It is actually a misconception that he died being shot by those arrows. A widow found him - still alive - and nursed him back to health. When Emperor Diocletian found out Sebastian was still around, he had him arrested and beaten to death in prison. For good, this time.

Sebastian was a high-ranking soldier in the Roman army before his Christianity was discovered. He is credited with strengthening the faith of many others and several instances of healing the sick. His martyrdom is supposed to have occurred in 287.

So, today I am dressed for Sebastian. Polka dots for arrow holes and, when I was explaining it to someone today, I said, "In the pictures, he's always wearing a sort of...miniskirt." I realize it's not a miniskirt, but I can't think of a good word for it - Loincloth? No, that sounds like cavemen or something. Diaper isn't a word I want to use either, although that's what it looks like. I mean, it's basically just a piece of cloth there so the painter doesn't have to paint him naked, I think. A modesty cloth? I'm sure there's an actual word for it, but it's simply not coming to mind. So, anyway, I wore a miniskirt:


Nana Erin said...

I LOVE all the pattern mixing you have going on in this one!

Belinda said...

You're blog is so nice. I hope there's enough saints to keep you going for awhile.