Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Vacation Plans

I had kind of thought that this year we would not travel anywhere. We were out of the country three times last year plus the trip to Cleveland which is a lot of travelling, even for us. However, we are still having fun thinking of places to go. Jonathan is attending a work conference in Seattle the first week in February, and he arranged to stay over the weekend so that I can fly up and join him. I have never been to Seattle or even Washington, so I am excited. Everyone I know who has been there has said it is a fun place.

Then there's still the possibility of going to Morocco this summer, but I haven't talked to my friend about it in a while. Iberian Airlines is running a sale, though, from Dallas to Morocco of ALL places. For our exact time frame. I am taking it as a good sign that we'll end up going.

Right now we are gearing up for what Jonathan has begun calling our "Staycation." I start school again on Monday, so J is taking Wed-Fri off this week, and we are holing up in The Half-House for the weekend to play video games. So geeky, I know, but we've got this huge pile of games - some of which we've had for years - that we have never played. Or we've played for like an hour, quit, and never played again. So, we have set up both TVs in the living room with all four video game consoles. We've made a list of the games we want to play and ranked them. Tonight we are going to go buy snacks and drinks to live on for the next five days. Barring the installation of our new security system tomorrow morning and a possible trip to Home Depot to finally buy our kitchen cabinets, we will have uninterrupted game playing for three days.

We had planned on getting a hotel room or something and just staying in Dallas to get away from The Half-House, etc. before I went back to school, but I think this will be better. No "what do you want to do?" or "where do you want to eat?" conversations will be had. Plus, constant entertainment. Plus, we don't have to get anyone to watch the Toad. Plus, we don't even have to change out of our pajamas if we don't want to. Plus, we can sell a bunch of our games back and buy new ones because we won't have a huge stack of unplayed games making us feel guilty. It's perfect, really. Let the games begin!