Sunday, August 24, 2008


I made a fantastic discovery today.!

When I was working on my Master's degree, reading for fun really kind of stopped for me. I was really bummed out about it, too, because I love books. I really like to talk about books, I learn a lot from them, and they are good source of conversation. Since I was reading books that no one else I knew was actually reading (or even wanted to read), I felt like I had very little to talk about.

However, now I have 6 hours in the car every week that must be filled with something, and I have decided that it will be filled with audiobooks. I used to think that audiobooks were cheating, but I have really enjoyed and retained the ones I have listened to, so I am now officially not judging them as cheating anymore. I signed up on, went through my "to-read" shelf, and added as many books as I could to my wishlist.

This month's audiobook is David Sedaris' When You Are Engulfed in Flames read by David Sedaris. Yaaaaaaaay! Review to come...


Helen said...

I love David Sedaris. I can't wait to hear how the book is. Thanks for your comments on my little blog.

Mindy said...

You know what a reader I am- but I did audio books or sermon tapes alot when I was driving to the WDL and it really helps the time pass

Anonymous said...

I've just started listening to audio books in the car... makes the commute much shorter! I recommend BooksOnBoard - their prices are great and you don't have to pay a membership fee.