Friday, July 11, 2008

Dream Last Night

I had a dream last night that J and I were on vacation. We were with our friend Ben York, and we also had Toad with us. So, we hailed a cab big enough for us and our luggage, and I got in first with the dog. The driver was that guy from Lost:

When Jonathan walked around to go get our bags, the guy just drove off with me. I was kidnapped! It turns out there was another person in the front seat as well, so now I was really scared. I found a giant (and full!) bottle of Galliano under my seat, and I threatened the driver with it. That didn't really work. I started sending text messages to J on my giant 80's-style cell phone about which directions we were taking, hoping he would start to follow in another cab or call the police or something. Anyway, I ended up in some room. Sans dog, sans Galliano, but with my giant cell phone. There was a tiny area of carpet that looked like it was burning incense or something, and I think I was being drugged. Anyway, I managed to pull myself out of a stupor and use the phone. Ben answered, and was like, "Oh, you're OK. We were really worried. Let me see if I can go find Jon." I asked where they were, and Ben said, "Oh, we just went back to the hotel. We didn't know what to do." So, then I was very, very angry. THE END.

Kidnap: To dream that you are being kidnapped, denotes feelings of being trapped and restricted. Someone or some situation may be diverting your concentration and your attention away from your goals.

Being taken hostage or abducted can represent:
Fear of physical, mental, or emotional attack, or of being a victim of ill will
Feeling or fearing someone or something trying to force their will or motives onto you, or feeling victimized, manipulated, or like someone is trying to limit or take away your personal power
An authority in your real life that feels overbearing or oppressive

A container or dispenser for liquid (bottle, jug, pitcher, etc.) can represent:
Drinking, quenching, or satisfying
Containment or control
The idea of generosity or something "pouring forth"
The idea of flowing, free-flow, or controlled flow
Also consider the meaning of whatever is inside the container, and the role of the container with respect to that.
A desire to change one's situation or environment, or perhaps to make it more pleasant or palatable
A desire of the person burning incense to control or manipulate a situation, interaction, or environment

1 comment:

The Kilcoynes said...

nice dream interpretation. So what about creepy characters from hit tv shows?