Friday, May 20, 2011

It's Been So Long

So, I didn't really blog this semester. It was a rough few months, and I didn't take pictures beforehand, so I fell behind. Then I was just too stressed out and unhappy to even think about posting anything. But, that's over. It's summer now, and I'm ready to write for fun again.

Since it's summer, I don't have quite the stock of outfits planned that I do during the semester. I mostly just sit around the house in sweatpants and T-shirts unless I have something planned. And since everyone I know works, I rarely have anything planned. I have, however, planned a bunch of outfits for the summer and I'll post them when I wear them.

I'm mostly going to use this blog as a place to keep myself accountable for my work schedule this summer. Kind of Bridget Jones style. I actually just gave up my summer vacations plans (2 weeks in Ireland) so that I'll have time to study for my preliminary exams in September. So, I'm going to be posting my reading list for every day, my Healthy Summer Diet plans, and my workout schedule so that I'll be embarrassed when the handful of people who read this blog actually ask me about it. Or not be embarrassed because I will have actually done the things I said I was going to do. And so I won't feel bad about not taking a vacation this summer because I'm doing so many productive things with my time.

That reminds me of a Billy Collins poem:

The basic outline is as follows: I plan an outfit around a saint's life, do one household chore or other menial task, workout, eat healthy meals, read for prelims, and write for 30 mins a day. So far, I have been on this schedule for three days. I have not done any household chores, and I have only written once. Overall, I think I'm doing pretty good, though.

So, here's today's schedule:

Saint of the Day: Bernardino of Siena - he lived in the 14th century. The story I planned my outfit around is that when the plague hit Siena in 1400, he volunteered at the hospital. He contracted the plague himself, but survived although he had a weak constitution for the rest of his life. So, I'm wearing my skull and crossbones shirt with my "Memento Mori" earrings.

Household Chore: Take unwanted books to 1/2 price books. Not going to happen. Maybe Monday?

Workout: 45 mins; I'm not allowed to watch my "True Blood" DVDs unless I'm exercising, so that's pretty good incentive for me. I watch an episode a day.


Old English: Translate sentences 32-45 of "The Story of Caedmon." I forgot how much I like old English! Fantastic!

Middle English: Piers Plowman, Passus XIII-XVII. Ugh. Piers Plowman is the total pits. I haven't read it since I was in undergrad, and I hated it then. Now I remember why.

Contemporary American: Beloved by Toni Morrison, pp. 100-155. This book breaks my heart every time I read it. I know it's supposed to, but seriously...

Criticism: Read one article or book chapter a day. I don't actually have this reading list yet. My professor is on vacation until June 1. Will update later.


Breakfast: Cereal, juice, coffee

Lunch: McDonald's Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with grilled chicken (no dressing)

Dinner: Tuna Kebabs

Snacks: Fruit, graham crackers, popsicle



1 comment:

Belinda said...

Welcome back. It's good to read you again.