Monday, February 23, 2009

Lots of Stuff

I have had plenty of things to write about, but haven't for some reason. I suppose I am just going to write about the house this time since that is omnipresent.

Our cabinets were delivered last Wednesday. They are currently sitting in our garage. They are so pretty! They are being installed tomorrow and Wednesday. Yay! Cabinets!

We had an electrician come out and turn the electricity on in the front part of the house, so all of our outlets actually work now! Yay! Lights!

Now we can finally unpack the gameroom boxes and Jonathan already set up the living room with the whole TV/DVR entertainment thing, and it's so much more comfortable being in there.

Plus, the HVAC guy came and installed vents in the kitchen, dining room, and reading room. So, once we start using the air conditioner, we will have circulation! Yay! A/C!

Jonathan already called the countertop people to come out and measure after the cabinets have been installed, so that will happen soon. We might have a kitchen by our anniversary! Yay!

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