Saturday, January 31, 2009

House Update

My friend Ali told me when all this began that in his culture, people would say that someone had put the Evil Eye on us. I'm beginning to think they might be right.

The Good News:

1) We've ordered cabinets again, and they will be shipping Feb. 16. They will be delivered within 2 weeks of that, and then they will be installed at some point. So, we are looking at having kitchen cabinets sometime in March. Yay!

2) We've ordered countertops again. We have to wait for the cabinets to be installed before we can actually get the granite, but it's all in process.

3) Our pool is fixed again. It has broken every month since we've lived here. Let's see how long it makes it this time!

The Bad News:

1) We filed a lawsuit against our contractor on Dec. 19, but for some reason Dallas County has still not served him with papers. More waiting...

2) Our 4-month-old mattress developed a huge divot that was causing us some back pain. I mean, what are the odds? We had to schedule the furniture company to come out and take a bunch of pictures and measure the divot. It was big enough and the mattress was new enough that they just exchanged it for a new mattress on Friday. Thank goodness it was that easy, but seriously, the easiest thing would have just been for the mattress to do what it was supposed to do.

3) We had the HVAC guy come out to do an estimate on replacing the vents in the front of the house. It's not that expensive, but with everything else, it's just a big pain.

4) We had an electrician come out to do an estimate on fixing all the wiring (none of the plugs or overhead lights work in the front part of the house). It was very expensive, and I think we need to get more estimates. But this just takes up a bunch of time and money as you have to pay about $150 a pop for estimates.

5) Because of the big freeze this week, they didn't pick up our bulk trash, and it's still all just sitting out in front of the curb!!! I really hope they don't just put it off until next month.

So, we're pretty frustrated right now, but at the same time, we feel like stuff is sort of getting done around here. I don't know. Things are better, but they're just really not good. I guess I'm glad things are moving forward, but it's really hard to have patience when you have lived in a house for 6 months and still don't have a kitchen. Anyway, there it is.

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